You would think 6 months living in a wormhole fighting tooth and nail would have kicked the carebear out of me. Well you'd be wrong...
Last night we had an intruder drop through our end of life static, in a lone thorax. Odd to start with as he was dropping cores in a visible ship that is unsuited to wormholes. So a quick swap to my scan boat found it San-combat probes so ended up borrowing my co-directors boat and got started scanning him down.
I started trying to scan him out with ranged probes but he hadn't got himself into a fight yet so swapped to just trying to scan him down as fast as possible, which highlighted another oddity, he didn't notice combats around him for two minutes till I found him in one of our ladar sites. It looks like he nailed his first signature, then warped straight to it, and it being a ladar there was no combat to be had (yet...)
So we swap to our intruder protection ships (stealth bombers) and warp to range of him, since the guy was aligned to a planet I decided to forego our standard tactic of dropping bombs and closed within scram range to make sure we got a clean kill.
So we attack rip through his shields and most of his armor, we've got him pointed and dead by rights. At 20% armor he convo's me, which I initially am hesitant to accept, and he starts offering money for the ship. I'm more interested in how he got in as we'd thought our static had collapsed, (turns out it was at end of life and I'd screwed up refreshing my scans of the system earlier in the night)
Well while we were debating what to do about this ship now that it's on hull he'd repped some armor back (we'd stopped shooting stupidly) and dropped drones, which when in a stealth bomber I took as hostile and opened fore again. With drones ripping into my stealth bombers armor I had to bail from the fight and my co-director took over the point and he too has to soon warp off due to drones. On my way back into the fight I made the mistake of hitting the cloak instead of the warp scramble and prevented getting him re-pointed before he warps.
On talking to him afterwards he was new to wormholes (which was fairly self evident) and had jumped through our dying static, he hadn't even known to use directional. He was literally flying blind. I suspect if he'd gone to a combat site rather than a ladar he'd have been destroyed anyway, so in a way we ended up doing him a favour through our failure to destroy the ship when we had our chance.
Ah well is all good PvP experience and with any luck we'll learn how to better defend out patch.