Friday, 4 June 2010

How not to raid a wormhole

Our recent luck with a nice high sec link was down to a solo pilot attempting to raid our wormhole. The thing is this guy can't have known much about wormholes, as he made a series mistakes which led to him losing his ship and nearly his pod.

Lessons from WH space:
  1. Come prepared, don't warp into a wormhole in a destroyer and expect to win, especially when you don't know what class the wormhole is.
  2. Know you sites, if you don't know them look them up So you at least know when you are likely to get warp scrambled.
  3. Have a decent tank, again a destroyer cannot tank against a sleeper battleship.
  4. Check directional, as if the wormhole is occupied and the occupants are online they are liable to be hunting you down with the aim of giving you a clone ticket back to where you came from.
This destroyer pilot managed fail on all above counts and nearly lost his pod as our corp has a tendency to get blood-lust going once easy prey appears within the gun sights.

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